Who We Are?

2 Corinthians 3:18
– But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Our primary activity is to organize the “ONE WORD CONCERT”.


  1. To communicate the timely Word of God to God’s children through the performing arts.
  2. To create an atmosphere where the Word of God is given expression.
  3. To bring God’s children together to worship and hear from God a specific Word in season.
  4. To unite the body of Church through the performing arts.


  1. To organise concerts where a specific Word from God is communicated per time.
  2. To unite people and churches in worship, tearing down every wall of sectionalism.

God’s Word comes alive through the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Truth. God’s Word spoken to His children, breathed upon by the Spirit of Truth becomes a Word in season. One Word is all God’s children need to wade the storms of life and to function optimally.

I encourage you to be open to the Holy Spirit, to be positioned to receive the life-transforming seasonal Word from God.

In UNVEILED WORSHIP, we position ourselves to hear a specific Word from God through the Holy Spirit. Our posture is worship.

We are sold-out Worshippers!

Please look through our site to know more about us and what we believe.

Hope to worship God with you at our yearly ONE WORD CONCERT.

Dr. Blessing Akombi-Inyang
Lead Visioneer

We are Worshippers!

John 4:24 “God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth”

join us!!

To join UNVEILED WORSHIP, please complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) form.